Bluey's Blog

Crazy for the Nip
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  • Article author: Lindsey Clatterbuck
  • Article tag: cat talk
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Crazy for the Nip
Hello my loyal humans, One of the many perks of being The Royal Shop Cat is the free samples from the CATNIP BAR. The servants (I mean staff) get them by the armfuls. I heard them say "organic" and "from the United States". It must mean something good because they tell the customers constantly. There are so many varieties, it's like a candy store for kitties! Valarian, silvervine, leaf & flower, easy to vacuum pellets, and even whole buds are available at the Catnip Bar. Restocking of the Catnip is my favorite day. I sit right under the human's feet and stare at them with my big green eyes, so they don't forget to drop some for me. Humans are so messy, and that means I usually get extra! Sometimes they even give me a whole bud to eat. Speaking of eating, did you know that catnip is edible? I found out just the other day, and it is DELISH!  When I eat it, it makes me calm and sleepy. I usually take a long nap in my basket in the front window afterwards. I also adore chewing on the stems. The servants mentioned "good for dental care", whatever that means.   When I smell it while playing with my favorite catnip stuffed toys, it makes me SPAZZY! I can't help but zip and zoom around the whole store!  They also say catnip helps me exercise. They say I should exercise just as much as a dog. Ew, Gross. Not sure if your kitty likes the nip as much as I do? Receive a complimentary sample with every purrrr-chase.  Thank you to my loyal fan base for all of the admiration I receive in the front window. I would be nothing without you. Paws and Purrs,BlueyPs. No, do NOT smoke catnip. You've got your buds, and we kitties have ours. Please don't mix them up.           
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